Women and Hair Loss: A Dreadful Story

Hair Loss

Hormonal imbalances are frequently attributed to hair loss problems in women., considering they are only responsible for a minor percentage of cases causing this problem. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors such as an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive heating, and vitamin deficiency. 

In the United States, 80 million population is facing this problem. In fact, it affects 40% of women in America. Hence, to educate and create awareness among the people, August has been designated as National Hair Loss Awareness Month by the American Academy of Dermatology. 

Many treatment options are available in the market, from hair tonics to expensive cosmetic procedures like hair transplants and PRP (Platelet-rich plasma). Many platforms like TelMDCare are also assisting people by connecting them to virtual doctors. Following are some of the common hair loss causes in women.

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  • Genes

When people think about genetic hair loss, they usually think of male baldness. However, it affects people without sexual orientations. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, in most women, Its often focused towards the center of the skull, while, in men, its noticeable around their hairline. 

Although it’s hard to completely avoid this kind of hair loss, any treatment options, such as minoxidil, can help slow down the hair loss process and keep hair fuller for longer. Hence, it’s preferable to initiate treatment as soon as possible. In some severe cases, your dermatologist may even recommend doing a complete hair transplant. 

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  • Hair Loss During Childbirth 

Your hair passes through three important phases. There is a growing phase, followed by a transitional period, where it stops growing without causing hair loss, and lastly resting phase. After the last phase, most women start experiencing hair loss symptoms. 

The majority of the women find their hair growing quickly during pregnancy due to higher estrogen levels. But, when hormone levels return back to normal post-delivery, their hair returns to its natural growth cycle and starts losing its strength.

Telogen effluvium is the medical terminology given for this kind of hair loss. It can happen months after a traumatic or significant life event, such as delivery. An estimated 40% to 50% of all women will have hair loss after giving birth.

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Fortunately, postpartum hair thinning is just temporary. There are, however, techniques to help your hair seem and feel thicker such as using hair volumizing products. Moreover, mothers should also focus on eating healthy by following a diet rich in minerals and vitamins as prescribed by the gynecologist. 

  • Dandruff

Dandruff is a prevalent scalp condition that creates dry and flaky skin. Most of the time, dandruff isn’t the direct cause of hair loss. The itching it creates, though, might result in scratching. This might cause serious damage to the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Furthermore, dandruff can exacerbate hair loss in patients having androgenic alopecia (baldness condition that affects both men and women).

To prevent it from accumulating on your scalp, use a medicated shampoo specially designed to treat dandruff. You may also use hair products containing special ingredients like salicylic acid that can help in reducing skin inflation caused by scratching. Lastly, always keep your scalp hydrated by using moisturizing conditioning. 

  • Thyroid

Hair thinning is also a common problem in women diagnosed with thyroid. All of your body’s metabolic functions are influenced by the thyroid gland. Any changes in the glands can adversely impact our bodies. 

The hair loss caused by this condition is broad, covering the overall scalp instead of specific portions. Your hair will also appear dry and dull. To prevent hair thinning, reach out to your doctor for thyroid treatment. 

  • Autoimmune diseases

It’s a condition in which your body treats your hair follicles as harmful objects, attacking them and causing hair loss, such as alopecia areata. These disorders can be dangerous and need a precise diagnosis from an experienced health care provider.

Get Hairfall Treatment With TelMDCare

Reach out to TelMDCare if you are experiencing any signs of hair fall. They are an online platform that helps patients connect with online doctors. They provide treatments for various medical conditions, including hair loss, dandruff,  eczema, and psoriasis. Contact them to get in touch with one of their telemedicine doctors

About the Author 

Dr  Mike Jonathan is a skin specialist with 10 years of professional experience. His expertise includes various skin and cosmetic treatments such as hair transplants. Throughout his career, he has successfully helped many women regain their confidence by providing effective hair loss solutions. 

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