What is a lab grown diamond?

lab grown diamond rings
Elegant jewelry set of white gold ring, necklace and earrings with diamonds. Silver jewellery set with gemstones. Product still life concept

A lab grown diamond is a diamond that is created in a laboratory, as opposed to being mined from the earth. These diamonds are optically, physically and chemically identical to mined diamonds, but they come with a few significant advantages. The first and most obvious advantage is that lab grown diamonds are much more affordable than natural diamonds. This is because the supply of lab grown diamonds is not limited by the amount of ore that can be extracted from the ground. In addition, lab grown diamonds do not come with the ethical and environmental concerns that are associated with mined diamonds.

What are lab grown diamonds?

When it comes to diamonds, there are two main types: natural diamonds and lab grown diamonds. Both types of diamonds are made of carbon, but natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth over millions of years, while lab grown diamonds are created in a laboratory.

Lab grown diamonds have many market advantages over natural diamonds. They tend to be less expensive and can be produced in large quantities with little environmental impact. In addition, lab grown diamonds usually have better clarity and fewer flaws than their natural counterparts.

Despite these advantages, some people prefer natural diamonds because they believe that they are more valuable and special. Ultimately, the type of diamond that you choose is a personal preference.

The process of creating lab grown diamonds

The process of creating lab grown diamond rings is done by taking a small piece of a diamond and using a machine to grow it into a larger one. This is done by using either high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods.

The HPHT method involves taking a small seed crystal and putting it in a chamber with carbon. The chamber is then heated to extremely high temperatures and pressures, which cause the carbon to turn into diamond. This method can create very large diamonds, but the quality is not as high as CVD diamonds.

CVD involves using a plasma torch to heat up carbon-containing gas until it breaks down into atomic carbon. The atomic carbon then settles on a diamond “seed” crystal, and over time, this grows the diamond. CVD diamonds can have very high quality, but they are usually smaller than HPHT diamonds.

The benefits of lab grown diamonds

If you’re looking for a diamond that is ethically and environmentally friendly, then a lab grown diamond is the way to go. These diamonds are created in a controlled environment, which means they don’t come from mined sources. This reduces the environmental impact of diamond production and ensures that the diamonds are conflict-free.

In addition to being eco-friendly, lab grown diamonds are also just as brilliant and beautiful as mined diamonds. They boast the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds. So, when it comes to quality, you can rest assured that lab grown diamonds are just as good as the real thing.

Finally, lab grown diamonds tend to be more affordable than mined diamonds. Because they aren’t subject to the same market forces, their price isn’t as inflated. This makes them a great option for those on a budget who still want to enjoy the beauty of a diamond.

Are lab grown diamonds ethically produced?

There are a few different ways to grow diamonds in a lab, but the most common is high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) synthesis. In this process, a small diamond seed is placed in a chamber with carbon-rich material and exposed to extreme pressure and heat. The result is a high-quality diamond that is virtually indistinguishable from a natural diamond.

So, are lab grown diamonds ethically produced? The answer is yes! Because they are created using recycled carbon, lab grown diamonds have a much lower environmental impact than mined diamonds. Plus, they don’t require the use of harmful chemicals or mining equipment.

Some people argue that lab grown diamonds are not “real” diamonds because they are not created by nature. However, we believe that anything created by man can be just as beautiful and special as something found in nature.

How are lab grown diamonds graded?

The 4 Cs of diamond grading are the same for both natural and lab grown diamonds. Carat weight, color, clarity, and cut are all important factors in determining the value and quality of a diamond.

Lab grown diamonds are graded on a scale from D (no visible inclusions) to I3 (heavily included). The GIA has not yet developed a separate grading system for lab grown diamonds, so they are graded using the same standards as natural diamonds.

Carat weight is the most important factor in determining a diamond’s value. A one-carat diamond is worth more than two 0.50-carat diamonds of the same quality. The price per carat increases as the size of the diamond increases.

Color is graded on a scale from D (no hue) to Z (a yellow or brown hued diamond). Lab grown diamonds tend to be less included than natural diamonds, so they often have higher color grades.

Clarity is graded on a scale from IF (flawless) to I3 (heavily included). Lab grown diamonds often have fewer inclusions than natural diamonds, so they often have higher clarity grades. However, some types of inclusions can only be seen with a microscope, so it’s possible for two diamonds to have the same clarity grade but different levels of inclusion visibility.

Cut is judged on its ability to maximize a diamond’s sparkle. The cut grade is based on factors

The difference between lab grown and mined diamonds

The main difference between lab grown and mined diamonds is the way they are created. Lab grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment, while mined diamonds are found in nature.

Lab grown diamonds have the same physical and chemical properties as mined diamonds. However, they can be made with different colors and sizes. Lab grown diamonds are also less expensive than mined diamonds.

Where to buy lab grown diamonds

If you’re looking for a lab grown diamond, there are a few different places you can buy them. One option is to buy them online from a retailer like Blue Nile or James Allen. Another option is to find a local jeweler who specializes in lab grown diamonds.

When buying lab grown diamonds, it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re buying from a reputable source. There are a lot of fake lab grown diamonds on the market, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting the real thing.

Lab grown diamonds are becoming more and more popular, so there are plenty of options out there for where to buy them. Do your research and pick a place that you feel comfortable with to make your purchase.


In conclusion, a lab grown diamond is a diamond that has been created in a laboratory rather than being mined from the earth. Lab grown diamonds have many of the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds, but they are often less expensive and can be produced in large quantities. If you’re interested in buying a diamond, be sure to do your research to see if a lab grown diamond might be right for you.

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