Why You Should Work with a Local SEO Specialist?


Local SEO is more used in 2022 than at any other time on search engine results pages (SERPs) history. But with this comes big competition, so using local SEO specialists is your best bet for success.

It is the best method to help a user find you at your geolocation. 

So the best advice if your business is based in Canberra is not to look to hire local SEO specialists from Melbourne or Sydney, as hiring locals has distinct advantages.

In this article, we will point out why hiring someone in your local area outweighs the benefits of using a larger company from a bigger city elsewhere.   

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Local SEO Specialists Know Your Area

One thing you can’t beat is local knowledge. If the people you are working with know the lay of the land, then you are already one step ahead.  

They are also your potential customers (maybe you’ll have to give them a discount!)

They will understand the local demographic of your potential customers. Also, they will have plenty of localised data across many industries and niches. They can call upon that to devise a suitable strategy without wasting time researching. 

A local company will know what people like and what they don’t. In addition, they know all the local listings and how to gain you more exposure and visibility quickly, which is what you want, a quick ROI. 

Good communication with your local audience is paramount to success for bricks and mortar companies. 

If you are from Canberra, a local Canberra SEO company will know shopping and eating trends for example and how to approach them with offers and discounts that have probably worked on themselves individually. 

Consultations Made Easy

Proximity plays a significant role when hiring a local SEO team. There’s nothing like being able to strike up a proper business relationship by sitting down with someone and having a full-time campaign manager. This person is someone you can go to at any time and get the information you need.  

When you have a remote team, if you can’t get hold of them, then you are stuck. You can pop into the office with a local team to say hello. 

It is essential that when you have a new idea, new stock, a new contract or anything else, you can quickly discuss it in detail with them. 

Having a nearby optimisation team means business meetings are not a grind. If revisions are needed to be made to an ongoing SEO campaign, you can discuss this in person. 

Local SEO Specialists – Easier to Vet

If you are looking for the best, you can search for ‘Local SEO companies near me. Naturally, you won’t want to consider an SEO team that can’t get themselves on the front page of Google for that search term.

Remember you are looking to enter into a collaboration that could last years. You are not popping to the shop to buy a pair of shoes that may last six months. So from there, you can make a shortlist of the companies that appear, and you can visit them without the hassle.

A marketing budget is critical to small to medium-size businesses, so having a local option is vital. It is worth spending the money travelling around your city or town and sitting down with at least five companies to find the right fit for you. 

Asking each one for local case studies to show their previous work is paramount. Plus, you want to look for ones that are looking long-term; therefore, if you are on a limited budget, they will be flexible with you if they want to help grow your business.

Better Results – Less Confusion and Frustration

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The last thing any new or small business owner wants or needs is a company that is new to the industry and solely operates online. Companies that don’t meet their clients face-to-face don’t have that special bond and that can lead to complacency and the frustration of only dealing with someone over the phone.  

If you are a smaller business, remember that dealing with an SEO company in another state and on a small budget means you can easily be pushed down the queue when they have bigger paying clients to service.

By hiring local, you cut down the chance of complacency and poor service as you are on the doorstep, and your word of mouth about them is equally important.  

So they are more inclined to ensure that their strategy and plan work. If not, be sure to meet with you to look to tweak or change accordingly as you progress in your business relationship.


Local SEO is now prominent in digital marketing; if you get it right, you will reap the rewards. So who better to enhance your local listing than your local SEO company. Remember to search on the SERPs and make a note of the companies that are continually appearing on the first page of Google, then go for it. Good luck! 

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