Valid reasons why you should let an attorney do the needful during filing for bankruptcy


The process of filing for bankruptcy can be very frightening and terrifying. State and federal laws are involved in this legal process, along with a variety of issues that can be straightforward or highly complex. It is therefore advised that you retain the services of a knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney who can guide you through each stage and ensure that this anxious procedure is handled without any problems.

We asked the Benenati Law Firm about a few reasons to hire an attorney for bankruptcy and here is what they said.

Guides you through the legal challenges

It can be very intimidating to navigate the complex legal web of norms and regulations. Your bankruptcy attorney will walk you through each stage of the filing procedure and clarify any laws that apply to your particular situation.

Determines your financial state

Your lawyer can do a thorough financial analysis. A competent lawyer will take the time to assess your existing financial status and recommend the best course of action for you. Should you choose to file, you will also receive a thorough explanation of your rights and obligations.

Safeguards you from creditors

You can avoid dealing with collection agencies, debt collectors, and other forms of harassment from your creditors by engaging a bankruptcy attorney. A competent attorney will explain your rights during the filing procedure and advise you on what creditor behavior qualifies as “abusive” under the applicable standards.

Ensures that the petition is free of errors

There is a ton of paperwork involved in filing for bankruptcy. A complete record of everything pertaining to your financial affairs should be included in the final petition. A lawyer will make sure that everything you need is included in your petition in the right place. It is crucial to understand that filing fraud can be considered a felony because the US Department of Justice inspects every case. Of course, you want to be as specific and accurate as you can be with your petition.

Retains your peace of mind

One of the strongest reasons to retain legal counsel before filing for bankruptcy is peace of mind. You can’t handle everything on your own. It saves you time, money, and headaches to hire a lawyer.

Being a complicated legal subject, bankruptcy is not something you should approach carelessly. The worry and concern you already experience could worsen if you don’t have an attorney to advocate for your interests or provide you with professional counsel. Counseling, advice, and support from an attorney are priceless.


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