Understanding Everything About ALS Vacations To Top Tourist Places In South Africa

South Africa

Today, South Africa is arguably one of the best tourist countries to visit in Africa. This country is known for its many amazing national parks and beaches. That aside; South Africa is also known for its cultural diversity and natural beauty. You’ll certainly enjoy yourself when you consider some of the famous places to visit in South Africa.

Before going on this trip, there are a couple of things you need to put in place. One of them is to decide whether or not to hire a luxury travel expert for your trip to South Africa. Read on to discover the top tourist places to visit in Africa and why it makes perfect sense to consider ALS Concierge Voyage.

Top 6 famous places to visit in South Africa

  1. Kruger National Park

No doubt, Kruger National Park is one of the most famous places to visit in South Africa. Located in the Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces, this South African National Park is currently one of the largest game reserves in the world.  This explains why it makes a lot of sense to visit this place.

Kruger National Park houses approximately 7560 square miles of mountains, grasslands, and tropical forests. Interestingly, you’ll get to see the big five animals, including elephants, leopards, lions, rhinos, and buffalo.

With ALS Concierge, you’ll also get to see various ancient rock places in the archeological sites of this beautiful park. You can also organize a walking safari. ALS will connect you with some of the best restaurants and hotels, depending on your budget.

  1. Cape Town

Cape Town is a South African capital city known for a lot of things, including its iconic mountain ranges, ocean vistas, and landscapes. There are tons of reasons to consider this city for your next vacation.

First, if you’re the type that likes adventure, you’ll never regret visiting Cape Town. That’s so because this city has something for everyone on this trip with you. Hiking, mountain climbing, boat cruising, diving, and paragliding, are some of the adventurous activities you’ll get to enjoy on this trip with ALS Concierge.

You’ll also enjoy a trip to Cape Town if you’re a foodie who loves to try out different South African local dishes, light meals, and full meals.

  1. Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park

Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park is arguably one of the most famous places to visit in South Africa. This place is next to South Africa’s oldest Park – Kruger National Park. According to experts, Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park is currently the densest park in terms of the Rhino population in Africa.

Like Kruger National Park, you’ll also find the big five here too. Apart from these animals, you’ll certainly get to see several other animals, such as the African wild dog and antelopes.

Apart from seeing Animals, you’ll also get to experience and learn the traditional Zulu culture in the Park. With ALS Concierge Voyage, you won’t have any difficulty learning this culture in a short period. ALS will assign you a native travel expert who will assist you in exploring the different goodies that come with visiting this park.

  1. Blyde River Canyon

Occupying the fourth spot on our top 6 most famous places to visit in South Africa is Blyde River Canyon. Located in the heart of the Mpumalanga province, this beautiful canyon is known for a lot of things. First, there are several hiking trails in this area. Some of them are the Hippo trail, Kadishi trail, and Blyderivierspoort hiking trail. Most of the hikes start from the Blyde River Canyon Forever Resort.

Apart from that, you’ll get to enjoy the Blyde boat cruise on your trip to this beautiful canyon. Travel with ALS Concierge to enjoy all the beautiful things attached to visiting Blyde River Canyon and its environment.

  1. Durban beaches

Durban is a coastal town located in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. This town is popular for its subtropical weather and beaches. One of the many reasons to visit this amazing town is because it’s a year-round beach destination for tourists. Another good thing about this place is that it’s budget-friendly, unlike most other places on this list.

You’ll also get to explore the South African Zulu culture on this trip. Go on ALS Vacations to Durban in April and you’ll be able to visit different beaches and enjoy the vibrant Hari Krishna parade.

  1. Bloemfontein

Occupying the sixth spot on the top famous places to visit in South Africa is Bloemfontein. But why should you visit this place?

  • First, you’ll get to enjoy the ultimate Cheetah experience on this trip.
  • That aside, you’ll also get to visit the Bagamoya Wildlife Estate.
  • The Free State National Botanical Garden is another beautiful place to visit on your trip to Bloemfontein.
  • The Franklin Nature Reserve, Anglo Boer War Museum, and Loch Logan Waterfront are a few other amazing places you’ll get to explore with ALS travel to Bloemfontein.

You can learn more about how ALS Vacations to the famous places in South Africa works.

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