The 5 Best Web Design Practices to Optimise Your Blog For SEO Results

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In today’s online world, there is much more to it than just a colourful website describing products and services; it’s about building relationships with potential customers. With fierce competition post-pandemic, it is an excellent option to seek a competent SEO company to help you navigate the market.

Not everyone will buy online the first time, so an engaging, regular blog will assist you in gaining that extra trust and bond to help convert traffic.

So in this article, we will cover some modern practices you need to employ to ensure your blog is competitive and is gaining in popularity.

Here Are 5 Best Web Design Practices to Optimise Your Blog For SEO Results

  1. Blog Tips and Best Practices

First impressions are everything; here are some essential aspects to consider:

Fonts are Important

Fonts can become outdated quickly. You will remember ‘Times New Roman’  was an industry-standard font for years, but you are highly unlikely to see it on modern websites.  

People prefer to read easy-on-eye fonts today. These are simple to see for yourself using Office or Word. Go through and type and see what matches blogs or websites that caught your eye that read easy.  

Remember to try not to use more than three fonts on your blog. 

Choose a Colour Scheme

Getting your colours right is vital from the start. They must complement the website. Do the colour patterns match your website?

Your industry and products may have led you to the colour scheme for the main website, so try to follow the theme with a blog.  

Again try to keep

  1. Essentials for Regular Blogs

Share Buttons

Getting your subscribers and members to share your blog is crucial to your growth and success. 

If you are writing about an important topic with a specific post that you are sure covers a broad demographic of people, then it needs to get shared. So make sure you have share buttons around your pages to share with friends. 

Author Information 

People want to know the blogger more today, so sharing information about yourself can help to build long-term online relationships that are bound to be shared with others. 

A photo and bio are a must, especially if you are also the business owner; people feeling connected to a business owner is a feel-good factor.

So don’t be shy in sharing more about yourself.

A Search Feature

Everything that creates curiosity and keeps people engaged is what you want. A search feature is a must. It allows curious visitors to bring up past blogs and use keywords to search for information on the blog, similar to an initial search on Google. 

  1. Include Images But Sparingly 

The newer generation is much more likely to be initially engaged with imagery, videos, or calls to action (CTAs) and infographics to get them interested in your products and then move on to reading your content. 

So images are great to have on a blog but also be careful if you upload too many and not 100 per cent correctly. They will slow your load-up speed, resulting in lower rankings or penalisation. 

Photos are now one of Google’s 200 ranking factors. If you upload them to your page, they will associate them with you as they are searchable on a photo directory.

Photo size and resolutions can differ depending on what platform you are using. If you are using the services of an SEO company, they will be able to assist you in re-sizing what you have and ensuring everything is correct moving forward. 

  1. Embrace Blank Space

Less is more; you’ve heard that before, right?  

A common mistake amongst bloggers is trying to cram too much into every space left on each page. In fact, you should be doing the opposite.

Embrace empty space as it’s easier on the eye and leaves room for visitors to focus on the main product image(s) and content that move them to CTAs, turn them into a lead, or buy online. 

  1. Constantly Notify your Subscribers

Once you have an audience, regardless of how modest it is, you want them to see everything you produce.

Here is where an email marketing plan would work. If you are unfamiliar with this, speak to SEO specialists; they will cover this within their SEO services.  

At the end of the day, your blog is an extension of the website, regardless of whether it is on or offsite. An email marketing campaign will constantly update your readers on new blogs and special offers and help build a one-on-one rapport with your audience.

Once they are following, don’t let them sleep on you and your business. 


Google is now receiving nearly nine billion searches per day. So the internet is a living creature right now, and competition is rife. People are spending again heavily on SEO services. So if you are unsure you have the time or know-how to do it alone, get some help on your blog and your website so they work in harmony. Good to no more than three different colours throughout; less is more.  



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