Steps to Reactivate a Suspended Amazon Seller Account

Amazon Seller Account

Amazon had a vague eCommerce marketplace where different amazon sellers are working and warning high earned Recently Amazon has suspended many Amazon sellers’ accounts.

So, if you are also the one whose Amazon seller account is suspended due to any suspicious reason then this article is written for you where your pinpoints are highlighted and the solution is suggested through which you can reinstate your account and start the selling process after some time.

In reality, the amazon seller performance team doesn’t need any basic reason to suspend the Amazon seller account. No matter how many suspension protection efforts you make a single mistake may lead you towards the suspension process and you might familiar that it’s hard to recover the suspended Amazon account as compared to one that has been deactivated.

Well, before reactivating and reinstating your account you need to learn the basic reasons why amazon suspended the sellers’ accounts  

Generally, there are three basic reasons which lead the seller’s accounts to the suspension process

  • The first reason is that Amazon is not considering your performance and displeasing remarks are associated with your performance.
  • Secondly, you are violating any amazon policy which is highly prohibited by the Amazon rules. No matter if you are doing it unintentionally or intentionally if you are violating any one or more than one policy of Amazon you need to be ready for suspension.  
  • Third, and, lastly, if you are selling a restricted product from your Amazon seller account then Amazon will suspend your account until you managed to make a great amazon appeal in which you have to accept your mistake and avoid reselling the restricted product.

Now if you want to learn your mistake then simply, you can also learn it by logging into your seller central performance notification bar were clearly, they have written why they suspended your account.

Now let’s come to the main part of mentioning the steps to reinstatement your Amazon seller account but before reading them I would recommend you to follow them precisely otherwise suspended account sellers have options to render professional appeal services to resolve the problems efficiently with a money-back guarantee.

Step1; finding a reason

As I have already mentioned the first step of finding the main reason which causes the suspension of your account. You can check that on the performance notification bar of your central seller dashboard.

Step 2; outlining an action plan

The very next thing that you need to do is outline your action plan in which you have to highlight your issues and mention an efficient solution to the problem. Also, you have to ensure the team that after following this plan in the future you will become a compatible seller on amazon.

Step 3; making an appeal

For this step, you have to log in to the seller account and make an appeal by filling out the form and adding an action plan to it here you have to use courteous words and try to be patient and humble while writing the appeal.

Final words

I hope you have understood how to resolve the solution and reactivate your account. Through this guide, you will be able to reactivate your account efficiently and easily.



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