How to Create an Anonymous Survey?

Anonymous Survey


Frequently, clarification is required to determine who is responding to a survey. Multiple issues can be effectively addressed by acting on the responses received. Anonymous online surveys can be valuable tools for gathering candid feedback and responses. These effective surveys can aid in decision-making. Without responses, surveys are ineffective. Therefore, encourage participation in your surveys by keeping survey responses anonymous. Individuals can create various survey types using multiple tools, customizing them and choosing from multiple-choice, free-text, and other question types. Most survey tools enable clients to create an anonymous survey and switch between modes.

What Is an Anonymous Survey?

In an anonymous survey, respondents are asked to answer various questions without providing any identifying information. Identifying information consists of names, dates of birth, locations, and other pieces of information that you can use to connect you to specific survey respondents easily. For follow-up research, it is essential to know a respondent’s IP address or contact details, even if they answered the survey anonymously.

Ensure that these items are anonymous to ensure the impartiality of your results and the anonymity of your participants. Suppose you require anonymous survey responses. In this case, you must enable Anonymous Responses prior to sending out your survey. It is impossible to keep responses anonymous after they have been collected.

How to Create an Anonymous Survey

Influenced to conduct an anonymous survey? Here’s how to create one using a survey builder:

  • Examine every survey collector you employ. For each data collector, you’ll need to enable anonymous responses or come up with another survey method. With the anonymous responses collector, you can decide whether or not to record personal details about survey participants.
  • Avoid the use of identifiable custom data and Custom Variables. Stop using custom data and variables that contain inherently private information, such as the participant’s home address. Custom Variables employ the survey link to send one or many values for every participant to your results. On the other hand, custom data lets you keep track of extra info about each participant in contacts that can be regarded in your results.
  • Examine the questions you are posing individually and holistically. Questions such as “What is your name?” provide direct information about the respondent’s identity. However, other questions in the survey can also reveal this information. For instance, assume you ask a participant their job title and employer’s name. In this case, you can determine their identity with greater precision. Be prepared to sacrifice an occasional question to protect the anonymity of respondents.



Anonymous surveys are excellent for obtaining sincere feedback, avoiding bias, and gaining customers’ trust. Anonymity in surveys can improve response rates, especially if you are trying to build a user base from scratch or are collecting anonymous information. They are also an excellent option if you have a large sample size or no requirement to follow up with respondents. Using the best anonymous survey creator makes conducting anonymous surveys a breeze. It ensures complete data security, giving you and your survey participants peace of mind.


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