Work in Australia: how to get the dream job?

Work in Australia

Do you want to study in Australia, but are you worried about work? In this post, we explain why getting a job in Australia is simple, especially if you use the right tools. Have your student visa in hand, prepare your resume and know where to look for the best offers to succeed living and studying abroad. Read these 5 tips right now and get a job in Australia!

Apply for the right type of visa

We are now going to teach you the details about working in Australia. However, first it is necessary to talk about the technical terms, which, in this case, involve the exchange process. When entering the country, you must have a visa whether to study, work or travel. The student visa, for example, is ideal for those who will enroll in courses lasting longer than 14 weeks. The documentation also allows working up to 40 fortnightly hours.

But if you want to have a broader and longer experience-1 year, for example-the work and vacation visa is perfect! With it, it is possible to have any employment relationship in the country, as long as the contract with the same company does not exceed 6 months of service. However, to apply for this visa it is necessary to have one of the required nationalities, which so far do not include Brazilian.

Make your resume amazing

In general, the first contact with the employer is through the resume. But many foreigners have doubts about what to put on your CV to make it amazing. Above all, when looking for a job in Australia, don’t lie! Lying is often seen as an ally to boost your experience, but it ruins the first meeting with your future boss. So be frank and put only the skills you have in your portfolio.

Another issue that often arises for people living in an English-speaking country is the weight of the language. Around here, only 3% of the population is fluent in English. But if you’re wondering if it’s really necessary to be fluent in the language in order to have a job in Australia, the answer is: it varies from role to role. This is because, not always, the vacancy will require an English with a native fluency. But of course investing in your knowledge of the language will make the process easier!

Another important tip is to prepare the resume according to the desired vacancy. If an opportunity arises to be a kitchen helper, it is not that gardening course you took that will make the difference, but a specialization that has a relationship with the craft itself. Ah, when writing your resume in English, grammar mistakes are unforgivable. In order not to fall into any slips, look for the agency that took you to the country to help you with this translation or enlist the help of a person fluent in the language to review your CV.

Get in touch with companies

If you really want to start working in Australia, know that you will need to step out of your comfort zone and personally contact the employer. But, unlike Brazil, there is another possibility to make yourself visible to the future boss: sending him a text message. Many establishments prefer that candidates contact them using this means of communication.

Another tip to earn extra money is to join the staff of catering agencies, which offer functions aimed at organizing events.

But one characteristic that does not change when it comes to getting a job, whether in South America or Oceania, is the IQ factor: “who indicates”. If you are popular and are engaged in building friendships in Australia, know that this will help your network grow and, with it, exponentially increase your chances of finding a job.

Also, choose an education agency that offers this kind of support. Some establishments facilitate your contact with the employer, offering workshops, often in the destination country, for you to get incredible tips when getting your first international job. Want to learn more about using technology to find a job? Go to the next point!

Search for jobs on specialized websites

There are sites that are champions of access in the search for jobs in Australia. Here’s a tip to optimize your results and connect with people who need your services. With your resume in hand, sign up for Career One, Gumtree and Seek to start looking for a job that suits you and will pay you right now.

On these sites, there are usually a lot of ads for great temporary jobs, whether in the barista, painter, receptionist, babysitter or even supermarket cashier! In addition, one way out can be to invent your niche of work or to work as a freelancer virtually. Be aware, however, of jobs where the role requires something immoral, such as having to wear short clothes, or even night jobs where you have to go to isolated places. Run away from it!

Get ready for the interview

The selection process for a position usually involves a job interview, both in Brazil and Australia. In the land of kangaroos, however, the same company can schedule several interview stages with the candidate, so it is important to be prepared for this! In all cases, convey the image of the professional you are and be careful not to be too informal with the employer.

To pass, focus on answering the questions clearly and pay attention when talking about your past experiences. Following the tips, you will see that getting a job in Australia is not a seven-headed bug! Have the ideal visa in hand, assemble your resume in English and start looking for the job that best suits you right now. Good luck!

Now that you know that having a job in Australia is easy, be sure to check out these 7 must-have experiences!

Learn here more


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