5 Powerful Reasons Why We Need A Video Hosting Solution

Hosting Solution

Unlike text and images, videos are enormous files that necessitate special considerations. As the popularity of video content has grown in recent years, there has been a growing demand for platforms specialising in video content. 

Despite its growing popularity, a common mistake made by video marketers is to avoid a video hosting solution. Not using a video hosting solution to host our marketing videos could be the biggest mistake we make. However, reading through the five compelling reasons discussed below might change our minds.

What is A Video Hosting Solution?

As the name implies, video hosting solutions allow us to host our videos enabling us to upload videos to a service or platform which are then saved for later use.

Video hosting solutions store videos on their servers and allow users to use various embedded codes or links to enable others to interact with the video content.

Why Do We Require A Video Hosting Solution?

Organizations/businesses, and publishers require the experience and expertise of a video hosting solution because it allows their workflow to be efficient. After all, video content is organised in a single system.

Aside from more experience, it’s time to investigate some compelling reasons why we require a video hosting solution.


5 Powerful Reasons Why We Need A Video Hosting Solution

  • Security & Privacy

The security and privacy provided by video hosting solutions are important benefits. The video will likely be easily downloadable when we upload videos to our website 

In such scenarios, using a video hosting solution is our best bet for preventing your videos from being easily pirated. DRM technology, video encryptions, and dynamic watermarking are among the security features offered by such solutions.

  • DRM Security

DRM, or Digital Rights Management, is the process of securely distributing digital assets online. As a digital content creator or provider, our content is valuable because it can contain sensitive & confidential information or may be a revenue generator and can easily fall into the wrong hands.

The DRM security feature of a video hosting solution encrypts digital content and restricts who has access to it through a bunch of settings and controls, thereby ensuring that our digital content is securely distributed.

  • Video Analytics

With video hosting solutions, we get deep and powerful video analytics from various angles. By addressing the issue of visitors leaving our site after watching a video, video analytics allows us to track the success of our content.

Because they enable us to recognize activity such as views, average view times, bounce rates, and conversion rates, we can measure the success of our marketing videos while also making performance tracking much more straightforward.

  • Video CDN

A video CDN is a Content Delivery Network specifically designed to deliver video streams.

Video hosting solutions offering a video CDN allows content to reach viewers worldwide, reduce latency and buffer time, and ensure that the stream’s source or origin server is not overburdened with requests.

  • Video APIs

Including video functions in applications is a sure way to boost engagement. And the best way to accomplish this is to collaborate with a video hosting solution that searches for the best video APIs.

Video APIs enable developers to create custom videos, screen share, add video ads, retrieve video data, perform analytics, and perform various other tasks.


Wrap Up!

Clearly, video hosting solutions are required for successful video marketing. Furthermore, with so many compelling benefits and so few drawbacks, not utilizing a video hosting solution is never a good option for any business.


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