Ano Ang Ibig Sabihin Ng Collective Bargaining Agreement


    Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is an agreement between an employer and a union representing employees in the workplace. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment which are negotiated and agreed upon by the employer and the union. The CBA is a critical agreement that provides the framework for a harmonious and productive working relationship between the employer and employees.

    In the Philippines, collective bargaining is a legal right of employees and is protected by the Labor Code. It is an essential tool for securing the rights and welfare of the workers. The CBA is the end result of the collective bargaining process. It is a binding agreement between the employer and the union that is enforceable by law.

    The collective bargaining process begins with the union presenting a notice of the intention to negotiate to the employer. This notice should be given at least 60 days before the current CBA expires. Once the employer receives the notice, they must respond within ten days, indicating their willingness to negotiate.

    The negotiation process will then commence with both parties discussing and proposing their respective positions. The employer may propose improvements in the working conditions or offer wage increases based on the company`s financial situation. On the other hand, the union may request for additional benefits, leave privileges, or wage increases to address the concerns of the employees.

    If both parties agree on the terms and conditions of employment, an agreement will be drafted, and the CBA will be signed by both parties. The CBA will then be submitted to the Department of Labor and Employment for registration.

    The CBA covers a broad range of topics related to employment such as wages, benefits, working hours, overtime, leave privileges, and other working conditions. It is imperative to note that all the provisions stipulated in the CBA must comply with Philippine laws and regulations.

    In conclusion, the collective bargaining agreement is a crucial document that protects the rights and welfare of employees. It is an agreement that is negotiated between the union and employer and outlines the terms and conditions of employment. The CBA ensures a harmonious and productive working environment and is enforceable by law. Every employee should know their rights as defined by the CBA and should strive to uphold its provisions.