A Step-by-Step Process for Creating a Blog Content Strategy


Did you know that 55% of marketing experts admit that creating and publishing blogs are the top inbound marketing priority? And did you also know that these marketing campaigns are 13 times more likely to witness positive ROI than marketing campaigns not involving blogging?

In the era of digitization and technical advancement, blogs are central to digital marketing strategy. And many content marketing strategy services are helping businesses to Unleash the power of blogging. 

In fact, it is hard to imagine a website not investing in blogging. Blogs are beneficial for a business in several ways, including driving potential customers to your business site, enhancing brand awareness, demonstrating industry authority, and functioning as a platform for user interaction. 

So how do you craft and maintain a successful blog that offers your target online users valuable, high-quality content while enhancing your business reputation and positioning you in the industry as a thought leader? 

The answer is simple–with a robust blog marketing strategy. A content and SEO marketing service can help you create a functional and successful blog marketing strategy. 

What are the steps in creating a successful blog marketing strategy?

To enjoy the benefits of blog marketing, you need to approach it with a well-thought-out and strategized content plan. 

Let’s explore what it takes to create a highly-efficient and effective blog content strategy.

Document the initial phase

Before you jump to create a blogging strategy with content ideas, figure out the starting factors and document them. Documentation helps you and your hired SEO and PPC management services to access any information at any phase of the planning process. 

Start by documenting the following:

Here are a few major items to keep track of:

  • The goals and objectives of your blog content marketing.
  • Details of past, current, and planned campaigns.
  • Editorial calendar.
  • Metrics for measuring the outcomes of campaigns, promotions, and individual blog posts.
  • Data on industry and target audience
  • A/B testing results.

Define the goals and objectives of your blog content 

What do you want to achieve through your blog? 

  • Do you want to gain more online traffic to your website’s target segment? 
  • Do you want to convert website visitors and browsers into qualified leads? 
  • Do you want to update your existing customers about new product releases and important industry news?
  • Do you want to give the target audience insightful information about your offerings?
  • Do you want to convey your brand story?

Discuss your blogging goals with your hired content marketing strategy services agency for better outcomes. Your objectives will give you guidance on what metrics are most suitable for tracking progress. 

Define your blog audience

Developing blogs without a target audience is similar to going out for a drive without any particular destination. You will just be burning your fuel and resources without scanning any substantial outcomes.

You can use the following tips to create an audience persona for blogs:

  • Identify, gather and extract data about your target audience using online tools such as Google Analytics, customer relationship management software, surveys, polls, and other data resources used by your company. 
  • Research your target audience’s major requirements, challenges, and pain points
  • Identify the topic segments and content style your target audience is interested in. 
  • Make a compilation of your audience profiles based on demographics, pain points, psychographics, preferred content consumption channels, and content types. 

With adequate information on audience persona, your SEO marketing service experts can tailor every blog and give your content a particular purpose. 

Research The Market And Your Competitors

Research the market and competitors to understand which blogging strategies work for them and what tactics you can replicate in your own strategy. 

Identify the gaps in your competitors’ blog content strategy. This could be an important topic in the industry that your competitors have neglected, presenting you with the perfect window to gain an edge in the ruthless competition. 

Strategically combine organic marketing with PPC management services.

Want your brand to make an impact by standing out in the industry? Pick up the topics that are highly relevant but untouched by your competitors and give your own unique touch to them.  

Keyword research is the backbone of your content strategy.

No matter which industry you are venturing into, the competition is fierce. And to increase your brand’s visibility in the market, you need to remain on top of everything.  

One of the best ideal ways to increase brand visibility is by ranking on top of search engine return pages. 

Keyword placement is an integral part of SEO marketing service. In 2019, the top three websites on the search engine return pages grabbed a whopping 75% of the clicks. Perform insightful keyword research for using it in your blogs. 

Determine where you want to publish your blogs

Strategically determine where you want to distribute your blog content. It is always recommended that you share your blog on platforms with a maximum volume of your target audience. 

Here is a list of popular platforms for sharing your blogs:

  • Your own website blog section
  • Social media forums such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest
  • Reputed online publishing platforms such as Medium
  • Guest blogging on websites of industry experts and influencers. 

Wrapping Up

Collaborating with the best content marketing strategy services can prove to be incredibly beneficial for your business. Professional agencies have relevant industry experience and can guide you in your digital marketing and brand-building journey through several paid and organic strategies. 

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